How do we pray? God knew that we would all be different, so He does not expect us all to pray the same. We all have different Spiritualities. Some people like the silents, reading scripture and meditating on what we just read. Others like music, traditional pray, just talking to God in our own words.
What is important is that we spend time every day with our God, letting Him into our lives. Prayer is as easy as when we wake up and say,” Good morning God thank you for getting me through the night.” Saying grace at our meals, Thanking God for our day before we go to bed. Being sorry for the wrongs we may have done. God wants to hear from us wherever we are at during the day. Sometimes we are having a bad day, we need to learn to ask God for help with the day or sometimes we are upset at someone, or something, let God know how we feel.
When we trust God with everything, we learn to be more at peace in our lives. He gives us joy to share with the world. Because prayer gives true freedom. Think of your spouse or kids, how would it be if you did not talk to them for a few days? How would your relationship be? This is how it is with God; He wants to hear from us no matter how we feel. We can be hurting, sad, angry, thankful, or Joyful. Let Him know, let God help us through the painful stuff and celebrate the good things.
Turn to God as you learn to pray. Just ask God to help you, like in Mark 9:24 “I believe help my unbelief!’’ God will help you, at first use simple prayers, let the words come from your heart. Be aware of God’s presence, think of Him through the day and listen, God will help you find Peace. The more you do this the easier it is and you will find your life more peaceful.