What is a Novena and why do we pray them?
The word “novena” comes from the Latin “novem,” which means nine. Thus, novenas always include nine of something: months, weeks, days, hours or even the same prayer repeated nine times.
Novenas are an ancient tradition that dates back to the days of the Apostles. Jesus told His disciples to pray together after His ascension into heaven, so the apostles along with Mother Mary and other followers of Jesus gathered to pray in the Upper Room during the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost. This is recognized as the “first novena.”
In the early Middle Ages, novenas were prayed in preparation for major liturgical events, such as Christmas and Pentecost, and later used as acts of reparation.
When we pray a novena we focus our attention on a special intention in order to receive special graces and either the answer to our prayer or discernment on what we need to do. Novenas help us to open ourselves to God in order to increase our faith and grow in the love of God and neighbor. They aid in inner healing, obtaining special graces, being transformed, and growing in virtue and holiness. They bring us peace and joy, regardless of the answer we’ve received to our petition.
Novenas have three essential elements:
First, the prayers are specific, which helps us make our needs before God specific without telling God how to answer our prayer.
Second, the prayers include an expression of trust and confidence in God’s ability to answer them.
Third, repeating prayers, and doing so over time, is helpful because we often need that length of time to move beyond making a request to listening to God.
Praying a novena gives us time to consider more aspects of our prayer intention rather than just receiving an answer. We develop our relationship with God, and that can be more lasting than the result we see from praying with faith. The relationship with God Himself is essential, and a novena reminds us that the relationship takes time.
Novenas can be made to any of the three Persons in the Trinity. They are also often made to the Blessed Mother or to any of the saints, asking their intercession for our intention, thereby strengthening our petition to God. All of the holy men and women in Heaven (including our faithful loved ones) are good intercessors for any intentions.
And on that note, I dedicate this Q&A to my beloved mother, Betty. She was faithful to praying novenas, especially to the Holy Spirit. She loved God, his mother, and all the people she prayed for. May she rest in the peace of Christ.
Author Bio:
Deacon Dan Vaughn