Last weekend I was with our high school youth attending the Steubenville Conference (retreat) in Springfield. This weekend, Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Branson is hosting their annual women’s retreat, “Welcome”. The diocesan Cursillo Team will be hosting individual retreats for women (September) and men (October) in Carthage. These retreats settings allow participants to draw closer in relationship with God, each other, and their Catholic faith.
Retreats are refreshing and revitalizing. They provide an atmosphere of prayer and contemplation, disconnecting from daily distractions. They allow the participants to deepen their relationship with God, hearing God's call and seeking healing. They provide an opportunity to recharge the mind and body and rekindle their relationship with Christ. Retreats can be a powerful step toward personal conversion.
As a member of the clergy, we are required to take an annual retreat as part of our continual conversion. Likewise, for the good of the Church, as well as our own soul, lay people are also encouraged to get away for a few days each year to rekindle their relationship with Christ.
There are many types of retreats, and many Church organizations offer retreats of various lengths and topics. Retreats may last one day or 40 days (like Jesus in the desert). They may be organized for men or for women, or for couples together. They may follow a traditional format with a priest-preacher as the retreat master, offering several spiritual conferences or meditations daily. Or they may be more charismatic in nature, like Welcome and Cursillo. They may be directed or undirected or even silent.
How to make a good retreat?
First look for a retreat setting that fosters an atmosphere that allows for listening to the Holy Spirit and getting to know Jesus while getting to know yourself. When you go away for a weekend retreat, you're going away to be with God and to deepen your friendship with Him. Too often, in daily life, we're overwhelmed with sensory distractions and can't hear the voice of God.
Then when on retreat, turn off your cell phone and unplug yourself from all cyber-communication. God wants your attention. Everyone else can wait. it's most helpful for the participants to attend Mass and receive holy Communion each day while on retreat. Spend time in silent conversation in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and if offered, participate in Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. And make time to go to confession. Retreats are all about seeking and finding our loving Savior. What better way to receive His loving mercy than in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
If you want to rekindle your connection with God and gain a deeper appreciation of your faith, let a Catholic retreat be the crucial beginning to transform your life. Start a new tradition and make going on a spirit-filled retreat an annual event. Like ice cream, there is a flavor for everyone.
Lord, send forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth –- Psalm 104:30