Why is it good to take time to pray in front of a crucifix?
As people of faith, praying is something that we do daily. During Lent we are reminded to step it up a notch in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In our gospel reading on Ash Wednesday, Jesus tells us to “go to our inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.” (Mt 6:6)
For myself, my inner room includes a crucifix. The crucifix is probably the most important symbol of Christianity. The image of Christ on the cross reminds all of us of the mystery of the resurrection of Christ. It reminds us of God’s sacrifice of Jesus, his only Son that leads humanity to salvation. It is a sign of God’s overwhelming love for us.
There is also the physical sign on the top of cross depicting Jesus kingship. There we find the “INRI” inscription, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorom, Latin for Nazarene Jesus, King of Judeans. A reminder that his death and resurrection opened the gates of heaven
It is very important to have a crucifix at home because it helps us to focus our contemplation on Christ. Many Saints practiced this, both in their everyday prayer and also when suffering. Saints Catherine of Siena and Joan of Arc are deeply linked to the crucifix. Saint Catherine stared at it for hours each day in prayer. Joan of Arc, through her life and martyrdom, remained close to the crucifix and to her faith in Christ. Before she died she asked a priest to have a crucifix in front of the stake where she was burned, so that she could die while gazing upon Jesus and invoking his name. The crucifix is a source of strength when facing difficult times.
By keeping a crucifix in the house, we make our home like a domestic church, a sign that all who inhabit the home belong to God. As Catholics the crucifix reminds us that we died with Christ through Baptism and receive sacramental grace through all the sacraments. Our home is a place where Christ’s love and forgiveness are taught and passed on from one generation to the next.
The crucifix constantly reminds us about God’s love and sacrifice of Jesus. It reminds us about the victory of Jesus Christ against sin, death and evil. Even when it seems that evil has the upper hand, a crucifix can remind us about the love of God, who sacrificed His only Son to give humanity salvation.
Author Bio:
Deacon Dan Vaughn