One Sunday during Advent and Lent the clergy have the option of wearing a rose-colored vestment. And inevitably, the comment is made about how the color of the vestment should not be classified as “pink” but rose. Some priests might feel uncomfortable wearing the color rose, especially when his parishioners give him a hard time.
Yes, the color is rose, not pink. The color pink has the connotation of a weaker red color, whereas, the color rose is representative of a violet and white mixture: a mixture of the joyful celebration of heaven with the penitential nature of this life. This liturgical color has been in place for many centuries and provides the proper sense of penitential attitude and joyful anticipation.
On both Sundays (Gaudete in Advent and Laetare in Lent), rose is worn to remind us that the season of preparation is coming to a close and the great feast is swiftly approaching. Even the Entrance Antiphon that is sung at the beginning of Mass on Gaudete Sunday speaks of the joy we must possess:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near. (Phil 4:4-5)
When we see rose at Mass we are called to rejoice; the preparations are nearly complete and Christmastide is almost here!
During the season of Advent the air is filled with expectation, anticipation, and a longing for Christ. The Church provides us with readings that focus on Jesus’ coming as a babe in Bethlehem and his Second Coming at the end of time. There is much emphasis on “preparing” as we strive to be holier, more ready.
Advent is a time of preparation and repentance so the color of the season is purple, the color of royalty (for the coming King) and of penitence.But on the third Sunday of Advent we cast aside our penitential garment. Music is joyful (although no Gloria) and the clergy wear rose-colored vestments. We light the third candle, the rose-colored candle, and rejoice at the nearness of Christ.
Advent is a season for nurturing true joy — joy that is found in the practice of love, care, generosity and compassion. Those are the things that define this time of year. The color rose is a simple reminder that we should rejoice in the Lord always. And if rose or pink is not your color, that’s okay. Wear the mantle of kindness and love. It will certainly fill you with joy. That’s where God can be found.